Object Thinking
Dave West
This book focuses on the identification and design of objects and the use of those objects to create the “radically different solutions and architectures” promised by Grady Booch in his 1991 book Object Oriented Analysis — the first widely read book on object-oriented development.

Culture, Cognition, and Connectionism: Towards an Hermeneutic Anthropology of Mind
Ph.D. Thesis
Anthropology, cognition-grounded anthropology versus cognitive anthropology; conceptions of mind, models of mind; cognitive-grounded anthropology and AI; Metaphor; and, dissertation outline.

Design Thinking
Dave West
“Many in the business community have come to believe that design principles can be used to enhance the workplace, improve business processes, increase sales, burnish image, and resolve a host of other enterprise issues..."

The Design of Living Systems
Dave West