Mentor | Designer | Author | Coach
My career began in 1968 – job title: “Computer Operator.” Since then I have held positions that include: programmer, analyst, architect, CIO, designer, corporate trainer, and Professor of Computer Science.
I have experienced every major ‘trend’ in the practice of software development: structured programming, analysis, and design; data-driven design and databases; Rapid Application Development; TQM, Object-Oriented Development, Agile Development, TDD, and the most recent trend – Micro-service Architecture.
I have delivered over a hundred papers and presentations and conferences including: OOPSLA (SPLASH), Agile, XP Universe, QCon, PLoP, Agile India, DDD-E, and CEE-SECR. I have authored four books – the last two will be published in 2017.
Steve Jobs attributed his success to living at the intersection of the sciences and the humanities. To the extent that the offerings on this site have value it will be because they are at the nexus of computer science, cultural anthropology, graphic and industrial design, cognitive science, and Zen/Taoist philosophy.
This website is intended to share what knowledge I have with the world, as well as current thoughts on topics of interest. I hope you might find something of value, or at least interest, to you as you explore the site.
Although I still accept the occasional contract engagement most of my professional work is confined to delivering seminars and training courses.
This book focuses on the identification and design of objects and the use of those objects to create the “radically different solutions and architectures” promised by Grady Booch in his 1991 book Object Oriented Analysis — the first widely read book on object-oriented development.
“Many in the business community have come to believe that design principles can be used to enhance the workplace, improve business processes, increase sales, burnish image, and resolve a host of other enterprise issues..."

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